Markie Post measurements, bio, height, weight, shoe and bra size

Markie Post is a noted American actor best known for her roles as the public defender Christine Sullivan in NBCs sitcom Night Court the bail bondswoman Terri Michaels on ABCs drama series The Fall Guy and Georgie Anne Lahti Hartman in CBSs sitcom Hearts Afire. Her roles include various other television shows apart from acting. She was raised with two sisters and her brothers within Walnut Creek, Stanford and by Richard Post. Post's wife who is a poet, Marylee Post. Las Lomas High School, where she played cheerleader. The school she attended was Pomona College before graduating from Lewis & Clark College. Personally, Post was once engaged to Stephen Knox. Michael A. Ross has been her husband and co-writer since 1982. Together, they have two daughters. She is a wonderful actress and ideal wife and mother Post is an inspiration for many in Hollywood. Post has many first acting credits, which include the 1979 Barnaby Jones-pilot episode of Simon & Simon-Details at Eleven in season two of The Greatest American Hero-two episodes-of-The A-Team-as two different characters-in The Only Church-in-Town-in- 1983. Hot Styles, in 1984 and the Love Boat. Early credits for her acting include a 1979 episode Barnaby Jones, which is the first episode of Simon & Simon Details at Elevenin 1981 and two episodes The A-Team as distinct characters in The One Church in Townin 1983 and Hot Styles in 1984. Also, she was in Buck Rogers during the Twenty-First Century. Milena Amy Amy Lauren Lauren Markie Markie Mary Mary Health


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